Ivibet offers the possibility to affiliate with it through hellparteners, a gambling site used by techOptions group BV. This association, which is done according to certain terms and conditions, can generate income for the affiliate (entity or person participating in the program).

What are the terms and conditions of the affiliate program? What is the affiliate's commission? And how is it determined?

IviBet affiliate program in details

The view of the affiliate dashboard

To participate in the ivibet membership program, you must submit a completed membership application to the hellparteners representative. This is included in the membership agreement and is done online at www.hellparteners.com.

TThe company will decide whether to accept your application and will send you an email. The company may periodically ask you for documents to verify your application or your affiliate account.

Affiliates are required to protect their personal login information. Hellparteners disclaims any use of your account by a third party with or without your consent. It is your responsibility to notify Hellparteners if you suspect unauthorized access to your account.

The Company does not condone the creation, negotiation or transfer of an account to a third party without its written authorization. In order to honor the partnership agreement, the affiliate must take steps to benefit the company and not harm its image.

In reality, integration consists of the affiliate promoting the company's websites. This earns the affiliate a commission based on the traffic generated.

I sign up for the Ivibet
affiliate program

The affiliate's commission

The affiliate receives a commission which is a percentage of the net winnings that the company makes through the games. The affiliate receives a fixed fee for each new customer. However, any risks or expenses incurred in promoting the company are borne exclusively by the affiliate.

The commission is determined at the end of each month and is paid monthly in arrears by the 20th of the following month. You must have accumulated at least 100 euros in commission before you can expect a payment in a given month.

Main reasonss to join the programm

In case of miscalculation, the company reserves the right to make a correction at any time. It will automatically refund the underpayment and claim the overpayment if it is not. If the Affiliate disputes the amount paid, he/she must notify the company within 14 days.

He must clearly state the reasons for the dispute. Once this period has elapsed, the amount will be maintained for the period in question. Taxes or other fiscal charges are the responsibility of the member.

I sign up for the Ivibet
affiliate program

Condition of payment of the commission

The affiliate gets a one-time fee for each new customer brought in. But first, the customer must complete the signup and deposit the minimum amount required. They must also reach a minimum win before the affiliate is eligible for compensation.

Hellparteners does not consider customers who are deceptive, bonus abusers or even self-excluded. The company also does not pay for any incentive content.

The agreement between the company and the affiliate may be terminated for any reason. Players registered by the affiliate just prior to termination are only considered under certain conditions.

They must make their first deposit no later than 30 days after the termination date. However, if the termination is due to a significant violation, these players will not be considered.

I sign up for the Ivibet
affiliate program